Hotel 626

Anda penggemar scary games??? suka dengan game adventure? atau yang mompa adrenalin? bukan game ecek-ecek. pengen yang levelnya lumayan banyak, tapi bukan game simulasi. coba deh sangat lumayan bikin keder deh.

apa itu

Merupakan game adventure bergenre horor. disini tentang kita sebagai pemain yang terjebak disebuah hotel yang memiliki banyak misteri didalmnya dan harus memecahkan beberapa clue untuk menyelesaikan setiap levelnya hingga akhir. bagaimana kita cara mengeluarkan diri dari hotel tua tersebut.

Game online yang satu ini hanya bisa diakses pada jam-jam tertentu yakni dari jam 06 pm - 06 am. tenang aja tadi blogwalking ke beberapa tempet liat kalau katanya kita bisa main di luar jam itu searching dh di google. tapi yang maen di luar jam itu dicap sebagai penakut pastinya, hihihihi.

Untuk maenin kita diminta login terlebih dahulu, ya kaya kebanyakan game online laennya. username, email dan password. untuk login aja lumayan bikin scary nih. efek soundnya, wow. jadi ketika kita masuk ke game tersebut kita disarankan untuk mematikan lampu terlebih dahulu dan ngegunain webcam kalo bisa, untuk lebih in ke game ini sebaiknya ngegunain earphone supaya lebih jelas ngedengerin tiap-tiap cluenya.

Hotel 626 terdiri dari 10 tingkat. setiap tingkatnya kita harus mecahin clue supaya bisa naek ke tingkat selanjutnya.
nih clue-cluenya:
1. Only by confronting your darkest fears can you find the light 
2. One is not like the Others
3. She Lives in Darkness. Show her the Light
4. Just in Time5. Sing me a Lullabye6. Helpless 
7. He knows the Way
8. Find Yourself a Way Out 
9. Answer and you’ll have the Answers 
10. Your Check out time is Now

Sst... di level terakhir (10), kita harus make web cam untuk nyelesein level terakhirnya buat nyari foto kita sendiri.

Gimana? udah pernah maenin ni game?? jujur aja aku belum pernah tuh. pertama kali diajak maen sama temen satu kelas nyerempet tengah malem gitu. pas loading nih... wadaw, ngeri betull. loadingnya agak lama memang apalagi yang ngegunain koneksi siput, parah deh. soalnya game online yang satu ini full page flash player jadi butuh waktu lama untuk eksekusinya. buat yang sayang kuota jangan nyoba deh, bandwidth killer inside.
Efek soundnya parah suara-suara jeritan bikin nambah jantung gak karuan.
ada yang mau coba??? klik aja disini

Amnesia: The Dark Descent

Quick Review
Overall = 3/5
Amnesia: The Dark Descent adalah sebuah game petualangan yang menantang bukan hanya dari sisi game horor, tetapi karena game ini benar-benar petualangan non-action yang tidak membutuhkan kemampuan menembak. Sebaliknya, game ini sejumlah teka-teki yang harus dipecahkan dalam keadaan ketakutan.

Story = 4/5
Daniel adalah satu-satunya karakter yang bisa dimainkan dalam single-game ini, sehingga seluruh petualangan Anda adalah menemukan latar belakang Daniel sebelum ia terkena amnesia. Cukup meyakinkan untuk sebuah game adventure menegangkan.

Graphics = 3/5
Kelamnya suasana kastil dalam Amnesia: The Dark Descent memang memukau. Sayangnya, saat lampu menyala dengan baik, kekuatan grafis itu sedikit berkurang. Padahal kartu grafis yang dibutuhkan untuk bermain game ini tergolong cukup besar.

Sound = 5/5
Lolongan, gema, teriakan menyayat hati...semuanya bisa Anda dengar saat menjalankan misi-misi dalam Amnesia: The Dark Descent. Hebatnya, untuk suara yang menarik tersebut Anda tidak membutuhkan kartu suara dengan spesifikasi khusus.

Gameplay = 3/5Dengan mengutamakan puzzle, tantangan utama dalam Amnesia: The Dark Descent tidak terlampau rumit bila Anda cukup sabar. Selebihnya, Anda hanya perlu membiasakan diri menggunakan benda-benda seperti gagang pintung, batu, lentera, dll.

Longevity/Replay = 2/5
Jika Anda senang mengulang ketakutan, Amnesia: The Dark Descent akan jadi permainan paling disukai dalam koleksi yang ada. Namun bagi gamers umumnya, keseluruhan misi nampaknya belum cukup menarik untuk mengulang kembali permainan ini

Full Review
Dalam Amnesia: The Dark Descent, Anda tidak akan menggunakan senjata untuk menembak monster. Ketika sesosok makhluk mengerikan berjalan terhuyung dengan mulut menganga, Anda hanya akan diserang jika diam di tempat, atau segera melarikan diri dalam ketakutan. Sebuah mimpi buruk? Mungkin bisa dikatakan demikian, tetapi Frictional Games menantang Anda untuk menghilangkan rasa takut tersebut, demi mengembalikan ingatan yang hilang. Amnesia.

Game dengan tema petualangan horor memang tidak banyak ditemukan belakangan. Game seperti Dead Space atau Resident Evil tentu cukup menakutkan, namun sebenarnya game seperti ini lebih berfokus pada action. Berbeda saat memainkan game Amnesia: The Dark Descent, petualangan menyeramkan Anda akan sangat terasa karena Anda tidak bisa menembaki musuh yang datang, dan hanya mampu bersembunyi ketika makhluk menakutkan datang. Otomatis, apa yang bisa Anda perbuat hanya berkonsentrasi memecahkan puzzle, mencoba memahami peralatan fisika dasar, sampai menggunakan benda tertentu yang hanya bisa digabungkan dengan benda lain di tempat berbeda. Cukup menguras kesabaran tentunya, terlebih dengan suara-suara “aneh” yang membuat bulu kuduk merinding.

Secara story, dalam Amnesia: The Dark Descent Anda akan memerankan karakter Daniel. Tanpa tahu apa yang sedang terjadi, Daniel akan terbangun dalam sebuah kastil abad pertengahan yang merupakan kuburan luas. Ada sebuah catatan yang akan ditemukan, dan dari tulisan di sana Daniel mengetahui bahwa jurnal tersebut sebenarnya ditulis sendiri oleh dirinya. Dari catatan ini pula Daniel mengetahui jika ia sudah berada di kastil tersebut selama beberapa waktu, dan harus menjalani penjelasan-penjelasan dalam jurnal untuk mengetahui latar belakang amnesia yang diderita.

Sampai di sini, misi karakter Daniel dalam Amnesia: The Dark Descent mungkin sudah Anda pahami. Daniel harus menemukan alasan keberadaan dirinya di tempat tersebut. Namun usaha merangkai petunjuk demi petunjuk di tengah gelapnya kastil akan terhambat oleh peralatan penerangan tidak mudah diperoleh, belum ditambah dengan banyaknya kengerian dan makluk "tak jelas" yang bisa menampakkan diri sewaktu-waktu. Masalahnya kemudian adalah Daniel harus menghindari gelap sebisa mungkin, karena kesadarannya akan terpengaruh akibat terlalu lama berada dalam gelap, menyaksikan peristiwa tertentu, atau menatap monster terlalu lama. Di sinilah pentingnya Daniel menggunakan lilin dan sumber cahaya lain, agar dapat tetap melanjutkan mengembalikan ingatannya.

The Best Play
Memerankan seseorang yang tengah menderita amnesia, tentu akan jadi petualangan tak umum yang aneh. Anda hanya bisa berpedoman pada buku catatan, meski sedikit demi sedikit ingatan Anda terpulihkan. Namun usaha ini akan demikian menegangkan saat dijalankan, karena Amnesia: The Dark Descent tak hanya menghadirkan misi, melainkan horor yang tidak bisa Anda selesaikan dengan menembak makhluk mengerikan yang datang.

Untuk standar kartu grafis yang tinggi, kelamnya kastil akan menemani Anda sepanjang permainan, meski dengan penggambaran detil benda-benda di seluruh pandangan. Tak cuma itu, sound yang sayup-sayup dan sewaktu-waktu membesar akan membuat game Amnesia: The Dark Descent menjadi petualangan horor paling menyeramkan sekaligus menantang untuk dituntaskan. Terlebih dengan teka-teki yang harus dipecahkan saat Anda tengah ketakutan, dan ada bagian yang benar-benar akan membuat Anda ketakutan sampai-sampai harus mematikan layar monitor. Piuhh.....berani mencoba?

Link Download

System Requirement

Minimum Requirement
OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
Processor: 1.5Ghz Celeron or Duron processor
HD Space: 3 GB
Graphics: Radeon 9600/GeForceFX (Not work for Integrated Graphics).
Sound-card, DVD-Rom

Recommended Requirement
OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
Processor: 2.0Ghz
RAM: 2048MB
HD Space: 3GB
VGA: Radeon HD/GeForce 6
Sound-card, DVD-Rom

Jurig Escape - Game Horror Indonesia

Banyaknya film horor yang lagi bermunculan di Indonesia rupanya menginspirasi para developer game untuk membuat sebuah game petualangan yang bertemakan kisah menakutkan tersebut. Salah satu game yang bertemakan horor buatan asli Indonesia adalah Jurig Escape, game ini berkisah tentang seorang siswi SMA bertangan besar *eh haha* yang tertidur di kelas karena terlalu lelah belajar atau apalah, haha.

Begitu sadar, ia masih berada di dalam lingkungan sekolah yang gelap gulita. Ia ketakutan sekaligus bingung, kenapa ketika dia sadar tiba-tiba ruangan kelas menjadi sangat mengerikan Dia kaget ketika ia melihat dirinya yang sedang memegang pistol di tangannya, ceritanya agak gaje sih tapi lumayanlah.

Ketika dia sedang bingung melihat situasi di kelasnya, tiba-tiba sesosok kuntilanak datang dibelakangnya dan menghilang begitu cepat. Disini ia baru sadar bahwa dirinya harus melewati petualangan panjang untuk dapat keluar dari ruangan-ruangan di sekolahnya.

Dimulailah petualangan untuk keluar dari ruangan-ruangan sekolah yang mengerikan mengerikan tersebut, banyak hantu yang akan kita temui, mulai dari kuntilanak sampai pocong. langsung aja download Game Jurig Escape gratis.

Cara mainnya lumayan mainstream, kita menembak hantu hantu dengan pistol walau kadang saya kasihan dengan hantunya, sudah mati eh mati lagi *bam dung cess*.

Hi, ibu kunti

Pa SBY! *hormat*

Sampai nomer teleponnya dikasih *promosi*
Dan ini dia waktu yang kita tunggu tunggu, Link Download. Ngapain pos panjang tapi ga ada link downloadnya? Sampai disini dulu ye selamat bermain chibi chibi ha ha ha ha ha ha, see you bye bye :*

Death Head

Easy horror Head Kase, who always hunter our head. HUUUUUU, Halloween!!!

Link Download
*If the link open page, just wait 5 seconds and skip it for free.

Jack Skellington

Hola, huhuhu, altough it still far from Halloween you can see how cool my Jack Skellington was. But wait a minute, the link beflow I shared is a link for Jack Skellington non-cube so a little bit different with my papercraft but you can see it.

*If the link open page, just wait 5 seconds and skip it for free.


The Slender Man was created at the Something Awful Forums in a thread entitled "Create Paranormal Images." He is described as wearing a black suit strikingly similar to the visage of the notorious Men In Black, and as the name suggests, appears very thin and able to stretch his limbs and torso to inhuman lengths in order to induce fear and ensnare his prey. Once his arms are outstretched, his victims are put into something of a hypnotized state, where they are utterly helpless to stop themselves from walking into them. 

Not much is known, as no specific information has been found about origins, but his objective and habitat are made very clear. He has the need to kidnap children, and is seen right before the disappearance of a child or multiple children. He seems to prefer fog enshrouded streets and wooded areas as a way to conceal himself from being noticed. It should also be noted that children have been able to see him when no other adults in the vicinity could. Children also have dreams or nightmares concerning The Slender Man before their disappearance. Confiding these stories to their parents are met with the usual parental admonition: overactive imaginations. 

Slender is a first person horror game created by Parsec Productions where your only goal is to find 8 manuscripts about the Slender Man, a paranormal creature.

The more directly you come in contact with the Slender Man, the faster your sanity drains.

Mouse -- Look around
W,A,S & D -- Move
Left Shift -- Sprint
Left Mouse Click -- Pick up pages
Right Mouse Click -- Flashlight
Q & E -- Zoom in/out

Download Slendergame

Mad Father

Mad Father is a free downloadable game made within the Wolf RPG Editor by The Miscreant's Room. It is a horror-puzzle game that follows the experience of a young German girl by the name of Aya Drevis. Original released in Japan, it was translated by vgboy (vgperson ) who also translated such games as Ib  and  The Witchs House. Aya lives in a seculded masion with her father, know as Doctor, and his assistant Maria. One night on the eve of the anniversary of her mother's death she is woke by her father's scream only to find her home riddled with walking corpes and other supernatural things. Refusing to leave without him and seeks to save him, facing the horrors of her home and of her father's true work.

Download this game from Pewdiepie *Brofist*


One day, a young girl named Ib visited an art gallery with her parents.
Soon after observing the exhibits, she suddenly realized she was alone.
And in her search for others, she found that things have gone truly awry....
Stuck in an unfamiliar world of living artwork and no exit strategy in sight..

Art is filled with the most innate thoughts of the artists who made them, and attempts to immerse the viewer in another world, or make them think deeper thoughts about their own. At least that's how we interpret it.
But when you turn out the lights and feel the full force of the uncanny valley, a museum can get to be a pretty terrifying world. Such is the setting of Ib, this adventure puzzle horror game.

The story of Ib is told with simple design and no-frills graphics, but its unsettling environment, clever puzzles, and advanced characterization makes Ib a work of art in itself, appreciated around the world and growing in popularity month after month.

The game was created by kouri in early 2012 and translated into English by vgperson.

NOTICE: The use of official images outside of approved sources is explicitly prohibited with the threat of force by the game's author. Violation of this policy will result in severe retaliation that may make this wiki unrecoverable. Users are strongly encouraged to make frequent backups of this wiki in case of DMCA takedowns.
"kouri has requested that people not modify, misappropriate, or redistribute any images or music from his game." "Cease and Desist letter will be sent to those who do not adhere to kouri's guidelines and the work itself will be challenged and removed." -

Download Ib from Pewdiepie *brofist*

The House 2

The House 2?
The House 2, is the second and newest version of the Internet flash game created by Sinthai Studio. It's storyline is different than the first flash game of the studio, The House.

Story Line

In the mid-1940's, a couple moved into the house and had a daughter. Her name was Alrena and she was born disabled and seemed to be in a lot of pain. Her parents didn't want her to suffer any longer, so they poisoned Alrena and put her body into the Safe Room, which is the last room the player encounters.
After they had left Alrena behind, they decided it was time to move on. They adopted a child called Nicole, but even though they had left Alrena, her spirit didn't move on. It stayed there, in the house. She grew up and continued to terrify the ones who are in the house, especially the housemaid, who encountered Alrena several times, while coming over to look after Nicole. She had learned that Nicole wasn't the parents' real child and that she was adopted, but before she could learn more, she was killed.

Alrena terrified the whole family with her instant appereances, for which the family started to feel guilty, so they all decided to commit suicide. From that day, nobody could dare to go in the house and it was left empty for decades. The people thought it was haunted, and they were right.

Game Plot

The noteThe game starts with the player, going into the abandoned house, which no one dared to step a foot inside. Once inside, the player finds himself in the living room of the house. A picture of the family with their daughter, a note and a broken switch is enabled for the player. The ghost of the maid, weeping and moaning, appears several times, leaving a note and changing the journal pages on the couch. "Daughter's year of birth" is written on the note she leaves at the 2nd she's seen. The last journal page is left unfinished. ("She's not...)

In the second room, the player is in the Bathroom, which is the room where Arlene's father commited suicide, as revealed when his lower part of his hanged body is seen above the bathtub with a curtain. The enabled items for the player are a Holy Bible, the broken toilet, the sink and the curtain of the bathtub. The sink fills with blood near the middle of the observation of the bathroom, revealing a note written in blood reading, "I am truly sorry for what I did to our child. Please forgive me." In the last scene, the cutrain is left open and the walls are covered with "forgive me," written with blood.
The third room is called the bedroom, which is the room of the adopted child of the couple, Nicole N. Matty. A music box, Nicole's teddy bear on her bed (the bed's middle part is covered with blood), her adoption certificate and by the middle of the room's gameplay, a picture of her parents, herself and her dead sister, Alrena, is enabled for the player to observe. Again, by the middle of the gameplay, three notes appear on the wall and the player has to read them to move on to the next room. "She comes every night. She loves playing hide and seek. She's very good at it, I never find her.". These notes and the picture implies that Nicole's aware of Arlene's existence and that she appears every night. Nicole appears cuddled up next to her bed afterwards, and a few seconds later, a bloody text appears on the wall reading, "Play with me." Then the room is completed when Nicole appears on the screen, at first in front of you and then right next to the player. She then appears again whilist the loading screen is active.

AlernaThe fourth room is called "The Work Room", which has a bottle of nitric acid, a rope going down a deep hole, a nearly broken light switch, the birth certificate of Alrena and by the end, a note for an infant Alrena and her picture. By the near end of the room gameplay, a woman's

hanged body is instantly pulled up. After you observe the enabled objects after the woman's appereance, a light can be seen on the woman when the switch is turned off, which is the key for the Safe Room. At the end, a note written by the woman and a picture of Alrena can be seen and the woman's body disappears. She appears again at the end and grabs Arlena's photo from your grasp.
The fifth and last room is called the "Safe Room." There is only a safe-deposit box, and the password is "1947", which was Alrena's birth year. A note can be seen inside when the safe-deposit box is opened, and it reads (in blood), "Why? Why I have to die mom? I want to live, no matter what!" The lights start to flicker as Alrena is seen exiting the box. Once she is out of the box, it instantly closes. The game finally ends with a grown up ghost of Alrena, who has no features on her eyes, screaming at the player, leaving the game plot with a cliffhanger ending

Click this to play The House 2

The House

The House?
The house is the first flash game of Sinthai Studio and is the first game of the series. Although, it's plot is different from The House 2. It's one of the greatest horror flash games and has some of most detailed graphics of it's time.

Game Plot
The player enters and investigates an old derelict house. Examining it's rooms, one at a time
The first room is the Dining Room, which only has a small picture on the wall is enabled for the player to examine. The picture has a family of 4 in it; a mother, a father, a daughter and a son. However, only the father has a happy expression while the other members don't have any facial emotions. The reason for this is unknown. After a while, a ball falls from nowhere. Examining it, a little kid's laugh can be heard. A boy's shadow then runs nearby, presumably one of the kids in the picture. Then the family photo frame cracks, leaving a crack circled around the boy's head. Then the player's heartbeat can be heard. After hearing the hearbeats, a headless boy is seen, sitting in the opened window. Then the ball suddenly disappears, leaving the player mildly terrified by the boy's fallen head.

The player then proceeds to The Bathroom, which has a can of poison, a note on the mirror and the toilet flus enabled for the player to examine. The note reads;

"Happy birthday mom! I know you're suffer from ilness. But we're sure you will be fine soon. Love you.", which is probably written by one of the kids. The note then changes, which then reads;

"I love you too kids! I will not leave you. I promise, I promise." probably written by the mother in reply to her kids.

After that, a spine-chilling sound can be heard after flushing the toilet. The player then goes to examine the note again but the bathtub fills with blood. After flushing the toilet once more, the toilet fills with blood and overflows. The note is blank this time. After clicking on the poison, a woman's head is visible with her shadow cast on the window. She then slaps you with a bloody hand.

The next room is called The Kitchen, where a ragdoll, a timetable (with a day marked as "Cancer Treatment) is enabled in the beginning. After a while, a woman peeping behind the door can be seen. A shadow then appears on the wall, creating the infamous heartbeats. Then a school identification card falls down from the ceiling, which gives information about a girl called "Maria S. Julie" who attends to the St. Martin Scotte School, her I.D. code, her signature, and her picture. Then the card falls down before a girl with her face invisible, who seems to have committed suicide.

The next room is called The Living Room, which only a radio and a portrait of a man is enabled, the father. The radio works after a while but broken. Then the portrait's eyes move slightly then returns to normal. After clicking on the radio, the infamous theme of The House series can once again be heard. The portrait then begins to fall, revealing a note with a gun in a hole on the wall. The note reads;" Sorry and goodbye honey! I am so happy to be your wife. I will always love you. Then a ghost of a man in white is seen sprinting in front of the player. The man's eyes move once again but then fill with a black liquid. Then they leak, covering the mouth also. After clicking on it once again, the portrait is shot suddenly.
The last room is called The Corridor, which only a light switch and a note is enabled. The note reads;" I'm sorry to God for what I have done. I love my family, so I kill my family. It's the only thing I can do to stay together with them FOREVER!". A woman's shadow creeps by the wall afterwards. After clicking on the note once again, the switch leaks black liquid and eventually, breaks. Leaving the player in the darkness after blood drips on the note, revealing a woman coming towards the player. The light finally returns and the player finds the woman right in front of him. The woman then sudenly screams, her face and eyes covered with blood

Most of the backstory of the events that happened in the game is unknown, since the names and backstories of characters aren't revealed as they were in the second game. But it is known that a woman with cancer, killed her family in order to "be with them forever", and her ghost haunts the house, scaring and eventually killing the intruders. The only name given in the game is "Maria S. Julie", which helps us be aware that the family name of the family is "Julie". She is not really called julie

Want a play? THE HOUSE

Happy Wheels !

Happy Wheels adalah Game sepeda-sepedaan yang mengandalkan ragdoll physics sebagai keunggulannya.
Happy Wheels dibuat oleh Jim Bonacci pada bulan Mei 2010, yang terkenal karena sense humornya yang gelap. Tujuan dari game ini cuma satu. yaitu mencapai goal tanpa harus menghancukan karakter yang anda pakai.
Banyak karakter yang disediakan seperti, Wheel Chair Guy, Segway Guy, Irresponsible Dad, dll. Sedikit infonya:

  • Wheelchair Guy

Wheelchair Guy merupakan karakter pertama yang muncul di Happy Wheel. Dia juga merupakan salah satu ikon Happy Wheels setelah Irresponsible Dad. 

  • Segway Guy

Segway Guy merupakan karakter kedua yang dapat anda mainkan di Happy Wheels.
Kendaraan yang dia pakai adalah Segway yang dilengkapi dengan per, sehingga dapat melompat. Dari pakaian dan kenyataan bahwa dia dapat membeli segway, mungkin dia adalah orang yang kaya. 

  • Irresponsible Dad & Jimmy (MY FAVORITE)

Irresponsible Dad merupakan ikon Happy Wheels dan karakter ketiga yang dapat anda mainkan.
Seperti namanya, dia merupakan seorang ayah yang tidak bertanggung jawab karena membawa anaknya di dunia Happy Wheels yang berbahaya.
Irresponsible Dad mempunyai kemampuan terbang yang tinggi apabila yang mengendalikan mempunyai skill yang tinggi pula.

Dan masih banyak lagi seperti Santa Clause, Pogo Man, dll. *Hanya dapat menampilkan secukupnya. Bagi yang penasaran silahkan ke sini Happy Wheels.

Dan untuk video saya sarankan kunjungi youtube:


Enjoy :3 !

House Spongebob Squarepants

Name : Nickelodeon Papercraft : Banana House Papercraft
Easy/Normal/Expert : Easy
Fun : Yes

Gary Spongerbob


Name : Gary Spongebob Papercraft
Paper : 1 Paper
Easy/Normal/Expert : Easy
Fun : Yes

Patrick Turn

Name : Patrick Star Papercraft | Download?
Easy/Normal/Expert : Easy 
Fun : Yes

Spongebob Time !

Name : Spongebob Papercraft | Download
Easy/Normal/Expert : Easy 
Fun : Yes

Bad Green Piggie Angry Bird

Name : Bad Green Piggie Angry Bird Papercraft | Download !
Paper : 1 Paper
Easy/Normal/Expert : Oink Easy
Fun : Nuf *i lied :D

Papercraft Is Eazy

Bagaimana? Papercraft itu mudahkan, tunggu saja saya masih banyak punya desaignnya kok atau ada dari kalian yang ingin request design papercraft? Silahkan berkomentar atau mention saya di twitter @khairilamrii. In english > "Would you like to request design papercraft? Please feel free to comment or mention me on twitter @khairilamrii" (Thanks to google translate *ups) See yaa :D !

Yellow Bird Angry Bird

Name : Yellow Bird Egg Beater Angry Bird Papercraft | Download ! & Enjoy
Paper : 1 Paper
Easy/Normal/Expert : Easy
Fun : Yes

Blue Bird Angry Bird

Name : Blue Bird Angry Bird Papercraft | Download
Paper : 1 Paper
Easy/Normal/Expert : So Easy
Fun : Yes
Enjoy !

Red Bird Angry Bird

Name : Red Bird Angry Bird Papercraft | Download
Paper : 1 Paper
Easy/Normal/Expert : Easy
Fun : Yes